  • Next Event:  NINE Headquarters, LUCCA (Italy), 17 - 21 March 2025
  • Early Registration Deadline: Jan 25, 2025

NRSHOT - RELAP5 - Intermediate

Day 1
•    Opening, Introduction, Scope and Content of the Training
•    Introduction to Deterministic Safety Analysis
•    Physical Models in RELAP5 Code: The Hydrodynamic Model
•    Physical Models in RELAP5 Code: Closure Relationships and Other Models
•    General Structure of RELAP5 Input: Hydrodynamic Components
•    Exercise 1: Valve Sizing

Day 2
•    Basic Concept on Numerical Methods and RELAP5 Equation
•    Solution Algorithms in RELAP5 for Hydrodynamic Model and Heat Conduction
•    General Structure of RELAP5 Input: Heat Structures
•    Overview of Safety Analyses with System Computer Codes: Conservative and BE Approach
•    Exercise 2: Blow-Down Problem

Day 3
•    Numerical Effects in RELAP5 Applications
•    Exercise 3: Effect of Time Step and Spatial Dicretization
•    General Structure of RELAP5 Input: Control System
•    Exercise 4: Steam Generator Modeling

Day 4
•    Procedure for Developing Nodalizations (including Scaling Issues and User Effect)
•    Procedure for Nodalization Qualification (at Steady State and On Transient Level)
•    Validation of system computer codes on integral test facilities
•    Exercise 5: Pressurizer Modeling

Day 5
•    Quantification of Accuracy of a Code Calculation
•    Exercise 6: Boiling Channel Problem
•    Questions, Open Issues and Individual Consultations
•    Closing of the training and release of the Certificate of Attendance