  • Next Event: NINE Headquarters, Lucca (Italy), 09-20 June 2025
  • Early Registration deadline: April 18, 2025


History and Experience
SUNBEAM originates from the experience of 3D SUNCOP (Scaling, UNcertainty and 3D COuPled Codes) courses revisiting the course’s contents and focusing more on validation requirements, licensing aspects and multi-physics, multi-scale developments and applications. 3D SUNCOP was held for nineteen editions in different countries and organizations (University of Pisa, Pennsylvania State University, University of Zagreb, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Nucleoelectrica Argentina S.A, Texas A&M University, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Institute for Energy of the Joint Research Center, General Electric Hitachi, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Imperial College, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) with more than 700 participants and about 25 to 30 teachers lecturing at each of the two to three week courses.

To transfer to the participants competence and experience gained over the last decades through participation in benchmarks, International Standard Problems and international cooperation by a group of experts from different organizations (industrial experts, regulators, researchers, and university professors) in the following fields: Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty approach including uncertainty methodologies and application in licensing framework, Scaling Analysis, Validation Process of Evaluation Models, and Development and Applications of Multi-physics, Multi-scale tools.


Expected Products

The Training Course provides a transfer of experience and know-how from recognized experts in the respective fields. It thus contributes to maintaining and increasing technical competence and to ensuring the sustainable development of nuclear technology. A certificate of attendance is released.

Registration Fees

I week or II week: 3500/3800euros (early/late registrations)
I & II week: 6000/6500 euros (early/late registrations)


Course's Subjects   (for details, click here for the first week and here for the second week)

Licensing Framework and Best Estimate
Plus Uncertainty
A – Fundamentals of Safety Assessment
B – IAEA Standards and BEPU
C – From Appendix K to CSAU and EMDAP
D – Results and Recommendations of International OECD/CSNI BEPU Programs
E – Relevant Aspects for BEPU Applications in SAR
F – Applicability of IAEA Safety Standards for New Generation Reactors and SMRs

Best Estimate System Thermal-Hydraulic
Codes and V&V          

A – Historical Evolution of LOCA Regulatory Requirements
B – Capabilities, Limitations and Uncertainties of BE System Thermal-Hydraulics codes
C –
The OECD/NEA Computer Code Validation Matrix
D – The role of Verification & Validation Process in BEPU Methodology Development
E – Validation Metric and Code Accuracy

Scaling Issue and Scaling Analysis

A – The Scaling Issue
B – Overview of Scaling Methodologies
C – Role of Scaling Analysis in EMDAP


Sensitivity Analysis

A – Sensitivity Analysis: Principles and Issues for the BEPU Methodology
B – Statistical Methods for Sensitivity Analysis
C – Deterministic Methods for Sensitivity Analysis


Uncertainty Analysis

A – Relevant Topics for Developing Uncertainty Methodology
B – Approaches for Calculating Uncertainty
C – Methods for Uncertainty Analysis


Procedures for a Consistent Application
of a
BEPU Method in Licensing                 
A – SCCRED Methodology for BEPU application in a NPP Licensing Process
B – The Qualification Process of a NPP Evaluation Model in SCCRED

BEPU Applications in Safety Analysis and
Licensing Framework
A – Role and Importance of BEPU Safety Analysis in Licensing of LWRs
B – Westinghouse, AREVA, GEH BEPU Large Break LOCA Methodologies
C – BEPU applications for VVER
D – Full BEPU Application for Chapter 15 of Atucha-2 NPP
E – BEPU Implementation for Spent Nuclear Fuel Characterisation
F I&C, Defense-In-Depth and Diversity and Safety Assessment

Reactor Physics and Fuel Performance
and Uncertainty Analysis
A – International Reactor Physics Experiment Evaluation
B – Uncertainties in Reactor Physics
C – International Fuel Performance Experiments (IFPE) database
D – Uncertainty Quantification in Nuclear Fuel Behavior Modelling and Simulation

Multi-Physics Multi-Scale Simulations
and BEPU
A – Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulation Tool
B – Uncertainty Propagation in Coupled Code Systems
C – Uncertainty Quantification In Severe Accident Analysis
D – BEPU Methods using CFD Codes
E – Current Issues in Digital I&C System Licensing Around the World Impacting on Safety Margins and Economics