Day 1
• Opening, Introduction, Scope and Content of the training
• Introduction to Deterministic Safety Analysis
• Computer codes in Deterministic Safety Analysis
• Overview of Safety Analyses with System Computer Codes: Conservative and Best Estimate Approach
• Features and Limitations of System-Thermal-Hydraulic codes
• Familiarization with SNAP pre-processing tool
• Familiarization with AptPlot post-processing tool
Day 2
• Overview of the TRACE code architecture and structure, models; input and output files
• Hydrodynamic Components in TRACE
• Exercise 1: modeling of a simple pipe (part 1).
• Defining Boundary and Initial Conditions in TRACE
• Exercise 1: modeling of a single pipe with a valve (part 2)
Day 3
• Heat Structure and Power Components in TRACE
• Exercise 2: modeling of a single BWR fuel assembly (part 1)
• Exercise 2: modeling of a single BWR fuel assembly and analysis of the post CHF conditions (part 2)
Day 4
• Control system: signal variables, control variables and trips in TRACE
• Exercise 2: modeling of a single PWR fuel assembly (part 3)
• Exercise 2: modeling of a single PWR fuel assembly to reproduce the reflood phase of a LOCA scenario (part 4)
Day 5
• Exercise 2: modeling of a single BWR and PWR fuel assembly (part 5): analysis of the different heat transfer modes and flow regimes
• Questions, Open Issues and Individual Consultations
• Closing of the training and release of the Certificate of Attendance